Private Houses is the way to obtain Quality and Low Prices
when you lodging in Cuba.
We are a group of owners of houses and apartments that offers a very special
service to the tourist that rent a room.
We give not only lodging in our homes, we give too the human warm and the
friendship characteristic of our people.
You can lodging for a moderate price and if you need to rent for a long time
you can get a discount.
Hospitality, family environment, security, comfort. Family houses in different
counties of Cuba that offer rent of rooms in houses or apartments, with a
service of great quality and moderate prices.
If you need to have an intimate and surrounded atmosphere of friends, with
the characterist warm of the cuban hospitality you can request your reservation
to stay in a house or an apartment.
All the owners of houses or apartments that are placed in this WebSite know
to other owners in the different counties of Cuba and can recommend you for
a trip along the most interesting places of our beautiful land.
Our WebSite has moved. You can see our new look in
the below link.
This WEB site was made by AceWebSiteMakers.
lodging in cuba peces agua lluvia viento fuego azucar sal libros computadoras telefono video arroz malanga yuca aguacate vino tela frazada modem memoria disco duro display monitor veleta reloj pluma lapiz informacion guitarra naranja pina mandarina cereza limon toronja mar ola arena sol brisa jardin sociedad filisofia hermandad guia sendero luz luciernaga energia salud elevacion medicina inteligencia perseverancia distincion matematica rio vereda camino auto pista bicicleta pared azul verde blanco mesa silla cama regleta protector almohada colchon disquera estuche farol carreta oso saca punta palabra oral organismo aguila conejo esperanza libertad saludable grabadora camisa vela ventilador pila linterna interruptor mochila gorra colcha red cable lupa bola sanyo hewlett packard writer plus basf bioritmo azulejo amarillo anaranjado morado blanco luminico transparente fosforecente television comun frecuente sonido pozo hueco adorno ducha cortina sofa lampara maletin media pantalon sombrero chaqueta castanuela casete excursion tropicana bodeguita del medio hotel habana libre sol melia los panchos hercules buena persona refran dulce refrigerador agua comida carne pescado pollo picadillo langosta tenedor cuchara cuchillo destornillador tornillo alicate tuerca llave incienzo perchero ropa escaparate audifono musica tocadisco grabaciones pajaro insecto animal tierra jirafa elefante mono perro colisable mosquito